Pakistan going to hold 180 seconds Space Film Festival

Pakistan going to hold 180 seconds Space Film Festival
Pakistan going to hold 180 seconds Space Film Festival

The National Center of GIS and Space Applications (NCGSA) has invited space enthusiasts and visual creators from all over the world to participate in the 180 Seconds Space Film Festival (180SSFF) ) by sharing their creative work in the genres of animation, fiction, or documentary.

NCGSA, Institute of Space Technology (IST) following its mandate for space awareness, education, and outreach aims to involve the artistic community to explore the beauty, wonders, and applications of space science and technology through their creative lenses.

According to an official of NCGSA, the film festival will be focused on the theme of “Space Science, Technology and its Applications”. The deadline for submission of the film is 31st August 2021, while the decision will be made within the month of October.

The grand finale will be held in the month of November The participants can look into the themes and ideas (but not limited to) for their productions including Peeping into the sky through Telescopes ‘,’ Aliens, and Extraterrestrial Life ‘,’ Wonders of satellites and their constellations’.

The participants can focus on the other idea of ​​’Satellite Technology Applications for Agriculture, Environment, Climate, Geoscience, Surveillance, Disaster & Hazard Management, Geo Forensic, Geo Health, Help and Rescue, Urban Planning, Communication, Navigation, Transportation, Meteorology. , Smart Cities and Communities, etc


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