Protests erupted across India against the gang rape of a Dalit girl

Protests erupted across India against the gang rape of a Dalit girl

Last month, on September 14, a 19-year-old Dalit girl was gang-raped and brutally tortured in the Thamars area of ​​Uttar Pradesh. The victim died at the hospital while undergoing treatment. Instead of taking action, the Indian police started telling the victim’s family that they were politicizing the incident, even though their daughter had not been raped.

According to Indian media reports, some Indian officials are adamant that the girl was not raped, but some even say that no such incident took place. Protests have now broken out in several other Indian states, including Kolkata, Delhi, and Maharashtra, where protesters say the victim’s family is being pressured to withdraw, with police backing the suspect’s People, they are not expecting justice from the courts.

The mother of the deceased girl says she does not expect justice and demands that those accused of raping her be publicly hanged. The Uttar Pradesh state minister said that the evidence collected from the spot did not show any evidence of abuse or the evidence was insufficient to convict the accused. The minister also said that those who reported the incident to the Dalit nation were doing so only to gain government and international attention.

Earlier in 2012, there were many protests in New Delhi as a result of gang rape on a bus. However, despite this, India is still considered the most dangerous country for women in the world, where women are sexually abused every 15 minutes. Every time there is a report of a woman being raped in India, there are protests, but the government leaves the case to rot again after the protests are over.


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