More troops from Afghanistan and Iraq are stationed in Washington DC for Biden’s Oath-taking Ceremony

More troops from Afghanistan and Iraq are stationed in Washington DC for Biden's Oath-taking Ceremony
More troops from Afghanistan and Iraq are stationed in Washington DC for Biden's Oath-taking Ceremony

There will be more US troops in Washington DC for Biden’s inauguration than in Iraq and Afghanistan combined, a stark reminder of the danger of homegrown extremism

According to American Media reports, The District of Columbia will have 25,000 troops, in addition to thousands of military police, the FBI, the US Secret Service, and the National Security Agency.

25,000 troops will be stationed in Washington, D.C., for the oath-taking ceremony of U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, According to National Security Agency (NSA) 20,000 troops will be deployed. Security experts say 50,000 troops will be needed for the federal capital. President-elect Joe Biden visited Capitol Hill to meet with security forces and thanked them for their services. Pence thanked the troops and said they were protecting the nation’s capital at this extraordinary time for the nation. He said he was proud to be their vice president.

Thousands of National Guard officials have been guarding the building since President Trump’s supporters stormed the building on 6th 6th January to prevent the House of Representatives from ratifying President-elect Biden’s election victory. Mike Pence said he hopes 20,000 troops will protect the capital on the Biden Oath Taking. Pence said both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris will take oath on 20 January, according to our history and tradition. On the other hand, the US Department of Defense says that 25,000 military personnel are being deployed in Washington DC while US warplanes, gunship helicopters, and drones will be monitored in the air. However, the Department of Defense said. Their number was not disclosed.

This is Mike Pence’s first visit to Capitol Hill since the day President Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol. Pence was presiding over an election confirmation meeting in the House of Representatives when protesters stormed the building. The bomber struck shortly afternoon in front of a crowd of mourners, who were being escorted by the U.S. Secret Service to protect the president and other dignitaries. Joe Biden and Kamla Harris, among others, were evacuated from the building by protesters.

In the United States, there is an independent body called the US Secret Service to protect the President and other important personalities and buildings, including the Vice President. Vice President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have been appointed by the Democratic Party to various ministries and positions. The Secret Service provided security for the nominees after the Department of General Administration issued a notification of Biden’s victory. It is worth mentioning that 25,000 US troops have been deployed to Washington DC, and there are more than 5,000 US troops serving in Iraq.

According to the US Broadcasting Corporation, there is no space available for hotels and other accommodation in Washington, D.C., as the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security have booked almost all hotels and accommodations for the military and National Guards from all 50 states. That’s why it’s hard to find rented accommodation for tourists coming to Washington, D.C. The report says that because of such extensive security arrangements, President-elect Joe Biden’s oath-taking ceremony is the most expensive in U.S. history.


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