Iranian ‘Zombie Angelina Jolie’ sentenced to 10 years in jail

Iranian 'Zombie Angelina Jolie' sentenced to 10 years in jail
Iranian 'Zombie Angelina Jolie' sentenced to 10 years in jail

An Iranian revolutionary court has sentenced two teenagers to 10 years in prison for trying to resemble Angelina Jolie with the help of plastic surgery a year ago, but she can appeal against the sentence. Gram star Fatima Khushwand was arrested by the police in October 2019.

According to media reports, Fatima Khushwand, also known as Sehar Tabarke, was arrested in October 2019 at the age of 22. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison. The news agency said that Sahar Tabar could apologize to the court to end the sentence. The so-called Angelina Jolie of Iran said that I was charged with four charges.

I have been acquitted of two of these charges. I hope the court will pardon me for the other two charges. She said she would appeal against the 10-year prison sentence. It is believed that Sahar Tabar came to light in 2017 when she underwent plastic surgery in an attempt to resemble American actress Angelina Jolie. As a result, her condition worsened. She later admitted that she was not like Julie. She has been deceiving people with her photos through Photoshop. She had no plastic surgery.


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