Widespread corruption has been exposed in Afghanistan under US occupation

Widespread corruption has been exposed in Afghanistan under US occupation
Widespread corruption has been exposed in Afghanistan under US occupation

There have been claims of extensive corruption in both the Afghan administrations and the American forces stationed in Afghanistan.

After discovering that $145 billion had already been spent without control, the US Congress approved the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR) in 2008.

According to the Pentagon, the entire cost of the war in Afghanistan since 2001 has been $825 billion, but US Vice President Joe Biden claims it is more than $2 trillion. Independent sources, on the other hand, projected the costs to be much higher.

According to the Watson Institute at Brown University, US wars have cost American taxpayers about $8 trillion in direct and indirect expenses of the fight on terror.

Abdul Rahim Wardak, the Afghan defense minister, bought 1.3 million sets of new uniforms with unique camouflage patterns from the Market and business Hyper Stealth in 2007.
This is a break from the prior pattern of $28 million in 2007 and $72 million for the decade following 2017. It’s worth mentioning that these outfits were never tested or reviewed in the field, and Afghanistan had only 2.1 percent forest cover.

Daud Wardak, the son of former Afghan defense minister Abdul Rahim Wardak, was later alleged to have purchased a $20.9 million Beverly Hills mansion. He already owns a $5.2 million home on Miami Beach.

Several grants and donors provided billions to the building of a new ring road around Afghanistan during the war.

According to a SIGAR audit, a 233-kilometer piece in the north between the towns of Qeysar and Laman resulted in $249 million being paid to contractors near the end of the project, although only 15% of the road was built.


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