Democratically elected totalitarian Government in Pakistan

Democratically elected totalitarian Government in Pakistan
Democratically elected totalitarian Government in Pakistan

“Totalitarianism is not only a form of government; it is a state of mind, a way of looking at the world.” A Totalitarian government is one in which the leader or leaders are elected by the people but rule with complete power and authority. There is no limit to what the leader or leaders can do, and they often use their power to control and oppress the people. This type of government is often seen as a way for the people to have a say in who is in charge while still giving the leader complete control. In a totalitarian government, the government is either elected through a single party or through a leader who has complete control over the government. The leader or party in power controls all aspects of the government and the lives of the people within the country. There is no room for dissent or opposition, and the government typically controls the media and education to ensure that the population is kept in line.

The election of a totalitarian government can occur in a number of ways. A single party may come to power through a revolution or a coup and then establish a one-party state. A one-party state may also be established through the gradual erosion of civil liberties and the rise of a single party through the process of democratic backsliding. Different totalitarian regimes have employed different methods to come to power. In some cases, a totalitarian leader may come to power through a process of elections, as was the case with Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany. In other cases, a totalitarian leader may come to power through a process of military coup or revolution, as was the case with Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union. A totalitarian form of government is usually not elected but is instead imposed on a population by a small group or an individual leader. Some common methods used by totalitarian regimes to gain and maintain control include force, coercion, propaganda, and intimidation. The leader or group in power controls all aspects of society and the government, and there is no separation of powers between different branches of government. Totalitarianism often leads to dictatorship, a single leader who has absolute power. This form of government has complete control over all aspects of society. There is no room for dissent or different opinions. The government controls everything and everyone is expected to comply with its rules and regulations. Totalitarian regimes are often marked by a single-party rule, as well as by a leader who has absolute power.

There is no proper way in which a totalitarian government is elected in Pakistan. However, there are a few key characteristics that are typically seen in the regimes in Pakistan. To Islamize the education sector, military dictator Zia-ul-Haq constituted the Universal Grants Commission in Pakistan. This marked the origin of intellectual decay in Pakistan. Through the establishment of this commission, they wanted the students to know and appreciate Pakistan’s ideology which is the creation of an Islamicized state. This is the way how totalitarian state functions, by feeding society with dogmas and legitimate exotic necessities and fears. The totalitarian state strives at controlling the emotions and thoughts of the citizens. Their goal is to control the opinion of the public. This form of government works by brimming the society with theories that are perpetuated by the military and the ruling elite, to maintain their control and power in the society. In shaping public opinion, education plays an important role. Pakistan’s state does special efforts to keep the educationalists subservient and docile. Those who agree with the ‘state’ agenda are given top positions of the Deans and VCs while those who put obstacles and challenge the state agenda are pushed up the creek. The nuclear scientist, Prof. Pervaiz Hood’s contract for the forthcoming year was not renewed by the college’s administration. This is because he was vocal against the state’s ideas. This is how the totalitarian government in Pakistan works by controlling all aspects of the government and society. Totalitarian regimes also typically suppress any dissent or opposition and control the media and education in order to control what the population thinks and believes. Pakistan has a deep history of regime change and military influence on the politics of the company. Since 1947, Pakistan has struggled to have a democratic government. Pakistan has been experiencing a succession of regime changes, having both electoral democracies as well as military rule.

In Pakistan, the recent regime change is another example of how government works in Pakistan. Imran Khan who was democratically elected prime minister of Pakistan was ousted by a no-confidence motion. This regime change in Pakistan is due to the dominance of Pakistan’s military in domestic politics. Although the regime change was constitutionally correct, the way things folded out after the change showed how Pakistan has always been under the control of a totalitarian government. After Imran Khan was ousted, the government was overtaken by Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM). The new government as well as the establishment took strong steps to ‘eliminate’ all the obstacles standing in the way of the regime change. Many anchors were forced to leave Pakistan, and many were imprisoned. This shows that the government that came through a democratic rule acted as a totalitarian government. The current government is trying hard to suppress all independent journalists since it cannot stand anyone interfering in its affairs. Pakistan has been under martial law, but the recent regime change is martial law under the garb of a democratic leader. Many journalists were attacked, and no action was taken against this attack on this freedom of speech. This criminal silence has increased after the regime change. The threats faced by journalists have now increased by 40% this year. While city-based journalists have always been threatened, after regime change the journalist living near border areas were also attacked. The current government has proved in numerous ways that it is functioning as a totalitarian government, and it appears that under this government, the freedom of Pakistan’s media is close to breathing its last.


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