Jhelum Primary Health Center reveals obscene videos of pregnant women; the entire staff changed.

Jhelum Primary Health Center reveals obscene videos of pregnant women; the entire staff changed.

Jhelum Primary Health Center reveals obscene videos of pregnant women; the entire staff changed.Jhelum: Lady Health Workers of Sohawa Primary Health Center in Jhelum District have revealed that they have made a nasty video of pregnant women. A citizen has filed a petition with the Deputy Commissioner, Jhelum, alleging that the Lady Health Worker of Sohawa Primary Health Center, Phalde Syedan, makes videos of women coming for maternity and gives them to her relative police. Simultaneously, the policeman Irfan blackmails the women on these videos if they refuse to ask them to sell the videos.

After receiving the application, DC Jhelum changed the primary health center’s entire staff after an inquiry. He said that if people destroy the evidence, they will seek help from other agencies. Action has been taken against the main accused, while according to CO Health Jhelum, the allegation of making videos in an anonymous petition has not been proved. A letter has been written to the DPO against the policeman asking him to take departmental action against him.

On the other hand, DPO Jhelum said that as soon as the Deputy Commissioner’s District Health’s official letter was received against the policeman, immediate action has been taken by registering a case, evil deeds will not be tolerated at all.


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