Afghan Govt asked Pakistan to encourage the Afghan Taliban to participate in the peace conference in Istanbul

Afghan Govt asked Pakistan to encourage the Afghan Taliban to participate in the peace conference in Istanbul
Afghan Govt asked Pakistan to encourage the Afghan Taliban to participate in the peace conference in Istanbul

The Turkish peace conference, which was supposed to be hosted by Turkey, with Qatar and the United Nations was expected to hold was postponed twice because of the Taliban delegation in Afghanistan.

Because of the refusal of the Afghan Taliban, the Afghan authorities asked Pakistan to use its strength and to demand that Afghanistan’s Taliban join the peace conference.

Pakistan has replied by a Pakistani delegation led by Special Envoy Mohammed Sadiq in Afghanistan to demands from the Afghan Authority and said that we would make every effort to change the minds of the Afghan Taliban to attend the peace conference.

But Pakistan also warned that we would demonstrate our efforts to get them to a peace conference, but it would not be possible to convince the Afghan Taliban.


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