Apple is reportedly planning a significant design update for its upcoming iPhone 17 series. According to a leak on Weibo, the frame and back glass of the device will feature a seamless “slope” design, replacing the current “step” connection.
This adjustment suggests Apple is moving away from the sharp-edged design introduced with the iPhone 12 series. The new curved integration aims to enhance ergonomics, offering a more comfortable grip for users.
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Applicability Across Models
It remains unclear whether this design will be implemented across all iPhone 17 models or limited to the Pro versions. Apple has a history of reserving certain design features for higher-end models, but there’s also a possibility of a uniform design update across the lineup.
Conflicting Rumors
While this change is generating buzz, rumors about other design elements, such as the iPhone 17 Pro’s camera module, remain contradictory. Initial leaks hinted at a camera visor replacing the current island, but subsequent reports have cast doubt on this speculation.
What Lies Ahead
As Apple finalizes the iPhone 17’s design, more details are expected to surface. If the curved back design materializes, it could signal a shift toward prioritizing comfort and a refreshed aesthetic for the iPhone lineup.