Bilawal to leave for US in next few days

Bilawal to leave for US in next few days
Bilawal to leave for US in next few days

Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari has a plan to visit the United States in the next few days, reported Dawn news.
“You can say it is a private or an academic visit,” said a senior PPP office-bearer. He said Mr Bhutto-Zardari would be leaving for the US after July 10.
PPP’s information secretary and MNA Shazia Marri in a statement said the government people were “worried” over the PPP chairman’s visit to the US.
“The puppet rulers are worried about chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari’s visit to the US and Fawad Chaudhry, Shahbaz Gul and Farrukh Habib-like dwarf spokesmen are worried that their leader Imran Khan cannot go to the US without diplomatic immunity because pending cases in the courts of the US are his destiny,” Ms Marri said.
Meanwhile, Mr Bhutto-Zardari in a statement said that July 5 would always be remembered as the black day in Pakistan’s history.
“The military coup that toppled the first democratically-elected people’s government, led by Prime Minister Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, by a tin-pot dictator General Zia, marked the vicious assault on the democratic aspirations of the people of Pakistan,” he said.


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