Dog guards abandoned newborn baby all over the night

Dog guards abandoned newborn all over the night
Dog guards abandoned newborn all over the night

A stray dog in Chattisgarh Saristal village of India guarded a newborn abandoned all over the night by keeping the baby warm.

The villagers found the baby in the morning at 11 am after hearing it cry after which they called the police. The baby was spotted with no clothes on and even the umbilical cord was attached to it.

Surprisingly, a stray dog that was wandering nearby protected the baby all night along with a litter of puppies. Luckily, the newborn was found without any injuries despite being left alone in extreme cold. 

Later, the villagers contacted the police, and Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Chintaram Binjhwar, along with his team, reached the spot. The baby girl was taken to a nearby hospital and was referred to The ChildLine Project. The baby has been named Akansha by the rescuers.

Police have started the search for the family and an investigation has been opened into the case. Indian Police Services (IPS) Dipanshu Kabra took the matter to Twitter and uploaded the picture of the baby girl along with the caption: “I was disheartened reading this news. The police have taken the infant to the hospital and investigation is underway.”


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