Indian Minister accuses Muskan of provoking students with slogans of Allah o Akbar

Indian Minister accuses Muskan of provoking students with slogans of Allah o Akbar
Indian Minister accuses Muskan of provoking students with slogans of Allah o Akbar

Karnataka Minister BC Nagesh claimed that the Muskan who face the extremists infuriated the boys standing there with the slogan ‘Allah u Akbar’.

Karnataka Education Minister BC Nagesh has said that the boy wearing a saffron-colored muffler did not want to surround the Muslim student’s Muskan but when the Muskan raised the slogan of Allah Akbar, They got angry.

The Indian minister also said that the Muskan provoked the boys present, otherwise there would be no single student before her.

BC Nagesh, Minister for Primary and Secondary Education, said that slogans like ‘Allah u Akbar’ or ‘Jai Shri Ram’ could not be encouraged on campus.

The Indian minister said that why did Muskan put the slogan of Allah u Akbar in the educational institution? Why did she provoke the people there?

It may be recalled that in Karnataka, a girl wearing a hijab was harassed by Hindu extremists on her way to college.

The incident is being commented on and analyzed in various ways all over the world, and the debate has intensified in India as well.

On the one hand, Jamia Deoband praised the girl who chanted the slogan “Takbir” against Hindu extremists and announced a cash reward of Rs; 5 lac.

Meanwhile, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi made a statement in favor of a hijab-wearing Muslim student with the hashtag “I am a girl, I can fight”.

“Stop harassing women, whether it is hijab, veil, or jeans, women have the right to wear whatever they want,” she said.



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