Jahangir Tareen used to pay up to Rs 5 million to run Imran Khan’s house, claims Wajihuddin

Jahangir Tareen used to pay up to Rs 5 million to run Imran Khan’s house, claims Wajihuddin
Jahangir Tareen used to pay up to Rs 5 million to run Imran Khan’s house, claims Wajihuddin

A former PTI member, retired judge Wajihuddin Ahmed, has claimed that the now alienated PTI leader Jahangir Khan Tareen used to provide funds of up to Rs3 million a month for now-Prime Minister Imran Khan’s household expenses.

Ahmed, who had withdrawn from PTI five years ago after developing serious disagreements with PTI chief Imran Khan, made the claim while speaking in the Bol news program ‘Tabdeeli’, but offered no proof of the same.

“This belief is completely false that Imran Khan is one [financially] honest man, “said Ahmed.” His condition is such that he has not run his own household for years. ”

“Initially, the Jahangir Tareen group used to pay Rs3 million a month to run his house,” he claimed, adding that the amount was later increased to Rs5m, after it was determined that Rs3m was not enough for the PTI chief’s palatial Banigala. residence.

He further said that certain people in the party would try to outdo each other by paying the bills for things like keeping Imran’s car fuel tank and “keeping his pocket full all the time”.


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