NCOC chief Asad Omar’s again tested positive for covid-19

NCOC chief Asad Omar's again tested positive for covid-19
NCOC chief Asad Omar's again tested positive for covid-19

NCOC chief Asad Omar’s covid test came back positive. According to details, Federal Minister for Planning and NCO chief Asad Omar has been diagnosed with the deadly covid epidemic. It has been reported that the report of the covid test conducted by Asad Omar has come positive. The federal minister has quarantined himself after being diagnosed with the deadly epidemic.

It was further informed that the Federal Minister had also attended the meeting of the economic team today. It should be noted that the second wave of Covid is intensifying in the country. Across the country, 84 people died in a single day from the covid-19, while the condition of more than 2,000 people is said to be critical.

According to the data released by the National Command and Operations Center, 39,171 corona tests were conducted across the country in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of corona tests to 62,16,060. A further 2,972 people across the country have been diagnosed with corona. Thus, the number of certified corona patients in Pakistan has risen to 451,494.
The rate of positive cases across the country has risen to 6.3 percent. According to the NCOC, the rate of positive cases in Karachi was the highest at 16.59 percent. According to the NCOC, Peshawar was at second position with 13.34 percent. According to the NCOC, the condition of 2,505 patients across the country is critical, 11.4 in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, 14.2 in Balochistan, and 1.5 percent in Gilgit-Baltistan.

According to the NCOC, the rate of positive cases in Islamabad was 3.6 percent, KP 8.1, Punjab 3.8 and Sindh 10.6, Lahore 4.71, Rawalpindi 5.36, Faisalabad 4.27, Multan 3.74, Karachi 16.59 and Hyderabad 8.71. Peshawar 13.34, Swat 5.88, Abbottabad 8.25 percent. According to the NCOC, the rate of positive cases in Quetta was 4.76 percent. According to the NCOC, Mirpur was 9.40 percent, and Muzaffarabad 1.92 percent.


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