NEPRA decides to increase electricity price by 3.5 Rupees per unit

NEPRA decides to increase electricity price by 3.5 Rupees per unit
NEPRA decides to increase electricity price by 3.5 Rupees per unit

The people will have to bear an additional burden of Rs 2 trillion annually. The fuel price adjustment for December 2020 will also receive Rs 9 to 10 billion a month.

The National Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has hinted at an increase in the price of electricity by Rs 3.5 per unit. A notification will be issued to increase the basic tariff by Rs 95 per unit while further fuel price adjustment of Rs 30 to Rs 60 per unit will be on top of this base price increase.

An increase of Rs 95 paise in base tariff will generate about Rs 2 trillion annually and will also apply to K-Electric customers. On the other hand, the fuel price adjustment for December 2020 will generate Rs 9 to 10 billion a month, which will apply to all distribution companies other than K-Electric. Case officers also clarified that the tariff hike would apply to the February bill while the previous fuel price adjustment of Rs 51 billion, which has been pending for several months due to insufficient evidence, would also be transferred to consumers in due course. Presiding Tauseef H. Farooq said the regulator would examine the data on fuel mix but hoped that the fuel price adjustment would be between Rs 30 paise and Rs 60 paise and the final decision would be taken in the next few days. Will be done.

According to the report, the Central Power Purchasing Agency (CPPA) had applied for an increase in tariff based on fuel price adjustment to generate additional revenue of Rs 13 billion from the power distribution companies (Discus) The PA had also claimed an additional cost of Rs 81 paise per unit for December. The hearing highlighted that the power generating companies were facing a severe shortage of gas and LNG in December. Had to use furnace oil and the availability of less than the estimated LNG cost an additional Rs 7.90 billion in December. However, coal-fired power plants prevented this effect from growing further.

The regulator was told that if it were not for the case of furnace oil, the fuel price adjustment would have been only 18 paise instead of Rs 60 paise. In December, the amount of electricity generated from all sources was recorded at 7.879 gigawatts at Rs 4 78 paise per unit. For Rs. 37.70 billion, 7.564 gigawatts of electricity was given to Discus at the rate of Rs. 6, 27 paise per unit after a loss of 3.26% due to transmission system fault. Crore.


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