Pakistan going to Export Its locally Produced Rickshaws to Ethiopia

Pakistan going to Export Its locally Produced Rickshaws to Ethiopia
Pakistan going to Export Its locally Produced Rickshaws to Ethiopia

Sazgar Engineering Works Limited (SEWL), one of the leading local manufacturers of indigenous auto-rickshaws and other three-wheeled vehicles, has announced that it will be exporting its first batch of 170 Rickshaws to Ethiopia in September.

Details: Previously, SEWL in partnership with the Chinese automaker BAIC, displayed three of its vehicles in the PAPS auto show in February 2020. The vehicles received positive feedback from the public, but they have yet to launch officially in Pakistan.

What else: Ethiopia, is an African landlocked country, that primarily relies on cost-effective public transport, hence it can prove to be a lucrative market for locally produced Rickshaws.


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