Pakistan leaves behind India, Bangladesh in Manpower exports

Pakistan leaves behind India, Bangladesh in Manpower exports
Pakistan leaves behind India, Bangladesh in Manpower exports

According to a recent report of the Pakistan Economic Survey 2020-21, Pakistan has beaten India and Bangladesh in the export of the skilled manpower in 2020 despite the pandemic.

The report stated that while taking lead in the region, Pakistan’s skilled manpower exported in 2020 spiked to 224,705 against India and Bangladesh which managed to export 94,145 and 217,699 respectively.

It must be noted that Pakistan’s exports of manpower had fallen from 2019 which had stood at 625,203 after a yearly decline of 400,498. Similarly, India and Bangladesh had declines of 273,093 and 482,490 respectively in terms of their emigrants registered during 2020 as compared to 2019


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