Pakistani, Mexican automobile industries sign accord to enhance auto vending sector

Pakistani, Mexican automobile industries sign accord to enhance auto vending sector
Pakistani, Mexican automobile industries sign accord to enhance auto vending sector

Mexico’s auto parts industries would cooperate with Pakistan to tap the immense potential of the country’s auto-vending sector, which demands more international exposure.

An agreement was reached after such a series of four webinars targeted at enhancing mutual understanding between the two countries’ industries and formulating a roadmap towards mutual understanding.

Shabana Aziz, Pakistan’s Commercial Counselor in Mexico, had been dealing with key stakeholders in the Mexican automotive sector and was able to arrange talks between Pakistani and Mexican representatives.

Mexico is the world’s seventh-largest automobile manufacturer. For Pakistani car parts makers, a large auto parts distributor like VAZLO would be appealing.

Opportunities were spotted in the forging parts and rubber parts categories in Mexico during the webinars, Shabana said, adding that some companies contacted car parts manufacturers in Pakistan and initiated a basic strategy. “This is the beginning because, in engineering goods, the gestation period to mature business takes time,” She emphasized.


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