Prince William rumored to be tested Covid-19 positive

Prince William rumored to be tested Covid-19 positive

Britain’s Prince William also contracted the coronavirus in April this year, but he kept his illness a secret as there was little fear in the country.

According to the British media, the coronavirus was at its peak in the UK in March this year. The royal family had also taken a social distance from each other due to the precautionary measures. At the end of March, Prince William’s father, Prince Charles, was diagnosed with Covid-19. The Queen also left the royal palace and moved to another Windsor palace as a precaution.

Although only Prince Charles was confirmed to have Covid at the time and recovered within a week now, it has been revealed that Prince William also had Covid-19 at the same time. The British broadcaster said there are reports that Prince William fell victim to Covid-19 in April, but fear did not spread among the public, so his illness was kept secret.

The royal palace or Prince William’s office declined to comment, that whether Prince William was suffering from Coronavirus, but according to British media reports, Prince William was a victim of Coronavirus, according to a report in the British magazine The Sun, that the Citing sources in the royal palace confirmed that Prince William had been diagnosed with Coronavirus in April 2020. According to reports, Prince William had quarantined himself after being diagnosed with Coronavirus, during which time he sat down at home and deal with some critical issues online and also attended conferences by telephone. He was not in favor of spreading fear in the country by exposing his illness, as already the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had also fallen victim to Corona in those days.

Boris Johnson was also diagnosed with the Covid-19 in March and was in critical condition, which led to him being placed on hospital vanilla. Boris Johnson was hospitalized in a critical condition between April 6 and April 12. During the same period, Corona cases were increasing rapidly. In other European countries, including the United Kingdom there were also record killings.

Although sources have confirmed that Prince William fell victim to Corona in April, it is unclear that, when he fell ill and whether he needed to be taken to the hospital. Was his wife Kate Middleton or any of his three children diagnosed with Corona after Prince William contracted Corona? It is to be noted that the second wave of epidemics is also looming in some European countries.


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