Scientists have made an Aircar, which turns a car into an aeroplane in just three minutes

Scientists have made an Aircar, which turns a car into an aeroplane in just three minutes
Scientists have made an Aircar, which turns a car into an aeroplane in just three minutes

Slovakia: A practical demonstration of turning a sports car into a two-seater plane in just three minutes has been demonstrated. The flying car was developed by Klein Vision Company and was the fifth prototype test since the experiment.

It is called an ‘aircar’, and its hindquarters lengthen before the flight. A propeller seems to be working in it. The right and left arms are aligned, and it takes only three minutes to make a two-seater plane. According to a company called KlineVision, it has so far completed two flights from Slovakia’s Pisteni Airport and reached a total altitude of 1,500 feet. In this way, it has come close to commercial testing and preparation.

The carmaker, Professor Stephen Klein, drove the car himself and went through two takeoffs and landings. Vehicles are more massive in terms of their structure and engine, while aircraft are much lighter. That’s the decent thing to do, and it should end there. However, it weighs about 1,100 kilograms and can carry an additional 199 kilograms.

With BMW’s 1.6 engine, it only needs 985 feet of runway and can fly at 124 miles per hour. Dr. Branco, a former Boeing expert, says the way the arms are pulled out of the car and the tail extended is a great invention. This can be seen in the video in which the aircar is flying in a very stable manner.

In the next phase, a more powerful engine will be installed in the flying vehicle. Although it can cover a total distance of 620 miles, its price has not yet been announced. The inventors believe that this car can help transport special people directly to the airport, air taxis and other disasters.


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