Taliban claim complete control of Afghan province of Panjshir

Taliban police chief killed in bomb attack
Taliban police chief killed in bomb attack

The Taliban have taken complete control of Panjshir province, the last area in Afghanistan being held by resistance forces, the group’s spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid, said on Monday.

Pictures on social media showed Taliban members standing in front of the gate of the Panjshir provincial governor’s compound.

There was no immediate word from Ahmad Massoud, the leader of the opposition group resisting Taliban forces.

Mujahid informed of the victory in Panjshir in a tweet, stating that, “The last stronghold of the mercenary enemy, Panjshir province, was completely conquered.”

The Taliban also released a video of them hoisting their flag on the Governor’s house in Panjshir. In another video commander of the Badar force – that led the fight against the Panjshir rebellion – Maulvi Hidayatullah Badar could be seen assuring the local Punjshir commanders that they were forgiven, and will never be trialled or executed. “Feel free to roam around the country,” he could be heard saying in the video.

According to reports, normal Taliban fighters could not win complete victory in Panjshir hence, the Badri Bridge was called in along with suicide attackers to do the job.

It is after 43 years that the Massoud family has lost control of this remote valley.


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