Walton Airport to be closed soon

Walton Airport to be closed soon
Walton Airport to be closed soon

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government has decided to close down Walton Airport to pave the way for launching the Central Business District project, Express Tribune reported.
In a bid to execute the project, the government has approved revenue sharing between the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and Central Business Development Authority (CBDA), Punjab government.
According to Express Tribune, the cabinet, in a recent meeting, approved a revenue-sharing mechanism between the government of Punjab and CAA for Walton Airport.
The Aviation Division informed the cabinet that the federal cabinet in a meeting held in April 2021, while considering a summary submitted by the Aviation Division titled “Shifting of Walton Airport Pursuance of the Directive of Prime Minister”, had approved the recommendations.
First, the Aviation Division proposed that the prime minister would constitute a committee to recommend the fixing of net profit share for the CBDA and CAA for approval by the cabinet.


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