Will not spare people resorting to violence in the name of religion: PM Imran Khan

Will not spare people resorting to violence in the name of religion: PM Imran Khan
Will not spare people resorting to violence in the name of religion: PM Imran Khan

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Tuesday said that from now on, the government will not spare anyone found resorting to violence in the name of religion.

He was addressing a condolence reference for the Sri Lankan national Priyantha Diyawadana at Prime Minister’s Office.

“From now on, if anyone is found using religion, especially resorting to violence in the name of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the government will not spare them,” the premier maintained.

He said that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sent as a blessing for the entire human race, not just Muslims.

“His message was based on two principles: humanity and justice; these two traits distinguish humans from animals,” he said, adding that what happened in Sialkot was an example of “might is right” — a rule that prevails in the jungle, but has no place in human societies.

He said that the kind of events we have been witnessing in the country lately, where some people use religion to torture and burn other human beings, are unacceptable.

The premier also talked about people who are falsely accused of blasphemy and are sent to jail.

“Some people are falsely accused of blasphemy and are thrown in jail to rot in there, as neither any lawyer nor any judge wants to support them,” he said. “This kind of [sham justice] cannot be found in any humanitarian society of the world.”

Citing the example of the Army Public School massacre, the premier said that since that day, the whole country has decided not to tolerate any such incidents again.


“Since then, all Pakistanis have united against terrorism — something which had been unprecedented in the country.”

The premier said that the business community in Sialkot has accumulated $100,000 for the family of Diyawadanage Don Nandasri Priyantha, while they will continue to send his salary to his widow.


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