YCP oath-taking ceremony held at Kashmir House, paid tribute to Syed Ali Shah Gillani

Youth Council Pakistan organized its first oath-taking ceremony and a tribute to Sayyed Ali Shah Gillani and Sheikh Tajjamul Islam on 24th September 2021. The ceremony was headed by YCP President Muhammad Shehzad Khan and moderated by YCP Program Manager Shiza Ahmed Butt.
Youth Council Pakistan organized its first oath-taking ceremony and a tribute to Sayyed Ali Shah Gillani and Sheikh Tajjamul Islam on 24th September 2021. The ceremony was headed by YCP President Muhammad Shehzad Khan and moderated by YCP Program Manager Shiza Ahmed Butt.

Youth Council Pakistan organized its first oath-taking ceremony and a tribute to Sayyed Ali Shah Gillani and Sheikh Tajjamul Islam on 24th September 2021. The ceremony was headed by YCP President Muhammad Shehzad Khan and moderated by YCP Program Manager Shiza Ahmed Butt. It was supported by Raja Najabat Hussain, Chairman Jammu, and Kashmir Self Determination Movement International (JKSDMI). The ceremony was joined by State Minister Ali Muhammad Khan, Mishal Malik, and other distinguished guests.

Shiza Ahmed inaugurated the session by introducing the YCP and its mission, vision, and its enduring efforts for the youth of Pakistan. She invited Raja Najabat to the stage.

In his speech, Raja Najabat Hussain thanked Youth Council Pakistan for its enduring efforts in supporting Pakistan’s cause and most importantly Kashmir’s cause. He congratulated the newly registered members of the Youth Council and urged the young leaders of Pakistan to know more about the Kashmir issue in order to serve Pakistan.

After the first speech, Ali Muhammad Khan, Mishal Malik Hussain, and Raja Najabat Hussain distributed certificates to the members of Youth Council Pakistan. Similarly, after the distribution of certificates, Dr. Khawla appreciated the honorary guests for their services to Pakistan. While acknowledging the efforts of the YCP for Pakistan, she thanked Muhammad Shehzad and his team.

After that, Ali Muhammad Khan appreciated the enthusiasm of the new members of YCP. He added that there are two types of youth in the world: those who have a determination to bring a change in the world, and those who just bear whatever happens to them. He urged the youth to be the former by having the willpower to change the world. While addressing the youth of Pakistan, Ali said that we should be thankful to be Pakistanis and we must strive to make Pakistan the best nation on earth.

Mishal Malik Hussain thanked Muhammed Shehzad for his continued efforts in keeping the Kashmir issue alive. She advised the Youth Council Pakistan to follow the path of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah. She also appreciated Pakistanis for supporting the cause of Kashmir. She shared her experiences with the young members of YCP and advised them to be constructive in their journeys to make Pakistan great. Furthermore, she added that the youth should get proper education in order to counter the Indian narrative on international forums. In the end, she appreciated the efforts of Pakistan in highlighting the voices of Kashmiris internationally.

After Mishal Malik, Ali Muhammad Khan took the oath of the new members of the YCP. Members pronounced the words of the oath of the organization after Ali Muhammad.

In the end, President Shehzad Khan spoke about the responsibilities of the Youth in making Pakistan prepared for the upcoming challenges for the country. He pointed out the seriousness of the current situation in which Pakistan is strangled. He further added that we should be aware of the 5th generation warfare in which our enemies are using our own youth to destabilize Pakistan. He advised the young members of the YCP to prepare themselves to fight the propaganda warfare against Pakistan. Lastly, he urged the new members to actively participate in the activities of YCP and to prepare themselves to become the future leaders of Pakistan. The session was ended with the slogan; Pakistan Zindabad.


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