Actor Usman Mukhtar and Digital Artist Mehrooz Wasim harassment voice notes and Screenshots got leaked

Actor Usman Mukhtar and Digital Artist Mehrooz Wasim harassment voice notes and Screenshots got leaked
Actor Usman Mukhtar and Digital Artist Mehrooz Wasim harassment voice notes and Screenshots got leaked

Usman Mukhtar threatens me to remove a BTS photo from his Instagram account women Mehrooz Wasim.

In response to allegations of harassment, blackmail, and intimidation by actor Usman Mukhtar, digital artist Mehrooz Wasim leaked screenshots and voice notes of the actor’s chat with his wife. Mehrooz Wasim’s photo and video app Instagram Responding to allegations of harassment, blackmail, and intimidation, Usman Mukhtar shared screenshots and voice notes of the chat with him, accusing the actor of harassing him.
In a voice note shared by Mehrooz Wasim, actor Usman Mukhtar talks about the unprofessional behavior of digital artist Mehrooz Wasim.

“Here, Usman Mukhtar threatened to remove a BTS photo from his Instagram account, which he never told me not to use,” he wrote, describing the voice notice.

I used this photo because he didn’t even make the promotional material he promised. Mehrooz Waseem added, “Earlier, he himself added Hamad Hanafi’s name to the credit list. This was a picture of him asking me to remove it. Digital artist Mehrooz Waseem shared screenshots of a chat with Usman Mukhtar and wrote that the actor who was being harassed, blackmailed, and threatened was an apology that I did. It is believed that actor Usman Mukhtar was accused of harassing a female artist without revealing his name.


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