Apple Has Good News For iPad Pro Users

Apple Has Good News For iPad Pro Users
Apple Has Good News For iPad Pro Users

Apple is reportedly working on an all-new iPad Pro. The new thing being introduced in this model will be wireless charging. Excited? Because I am.

Aside from this, Apple is also working on redesigning the iPad mini. This will be the first time in 6 years and all because they might be wanting to cash in on the boom the product saw, amidst the pandemic.

Originally, iPad Pro used aluminum, but now the tech giant might shift to a glass back. This switch would enable wireless charging in iPads but doing that will make it more like iPhones. The latter has also shifted to glass backs in recent times.

In wireless charging products, the power cable is replaced with an inductive mat. This allows the user to put their product on the mat to top up the battery. This is a common feature in smartphones, but it hasn’t yet entered the tablet category. Apple indeed is the avant-garde when it comes to technology. When they do something, others follow. In 2017, they introduced wireless charging 2017 for their phones. In 2020, they updated the wireless charging feature by making it magnet-based. MagSafe System facilitated this update; ensuring consistent charging speeds.

Currently, they are testing it out. With iPad mini, screen borders will be narrower. Moreover, they might also remove the home button.

That said, these ideas are just being thrown out there. And Apple may cancel them at any point. No confirmed official statement was issued regarding this.

Building on it further, they may also introduce reverse wireless charging. This way, when you have charged your iPad pro through wireless charging, you will be able to charge your other Apple gadgets by placing them on your tablet. Did you know Apple had been working on this feature initially for iPhone though?

In other news, it is hinted that Apple will be working on an entry-level product focused on students. It is being said that the student-focused iPad will be launched as early as possible, probably alongside the new iPad mini. I, for one, am excited about the student-focused product because that should be affordable. Otherwise, how will the target audience be willing to buy it?


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