A girl residing in Islamabad reported on SMS a harassment incident that happened during a career ride. She narrated, when the ride began, she could sense something was odd. As the driver wouldn’t stop looking at her through the rare-view mirror. Which she ignored. Being well aware of the routes she noticed a longer route is being taken by the rider. To which she asked him to take a right turn. But instead, the driver shouted at her. The driver was supposed to take her to E-7 but instead took a turn to Koh e Noor textile. The girl did not know this area so she couldn’t end the ride. She kept an on google maps and could see a possibility of the correct route. But he took a road that wasn’t leading towards Islamabad. She further noticed the driver doing an inappropriate act beneath his clothes. The situation got alarming for her so she pretended to call an army officer relative. That made the driver change back to the correct route. Due to that call, he had a calmer way of talking to the girl. The girl acted smartly and luckily got out of the car safely to her destination.
This is how unsafe Careem is now..!