DG ISPR Maj Gen Babar Iftikhar statement about India Raffles


DG ISPR Maj Gen Babar Iftikhar said it’s totally fine if India buy 5 Raffles or 500. We are always ready.
While addressing the conference DG ISPR said , India has increased its military spending and budget but we are all ready . The increased in budget affected the conventional balance of the region.
Currently India has buy 5 Raffle fighter jet from France , so while addressing the conference he said : If India buy Raffle or S-400 , it will not affect Pakistan because we have fully prepared ourselves for every moment.
He also said: people in Pakistan criticise army for its budget but army only have 17% budget which is shared between army, navy and airforce . For the past 10 years the budget is decreasing but still we are ok and we are fully prepared for our hostile and aggressive neighbor.


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