During the exam, the professor who was feeding the student’s child won the hearts of the people.

A Teacher feeding student’s child during an exam in Kabul University wins hearts

A Teacher feeding student’s child during an exam in Kabul University wins heartsA picture of a Kabul University professor in the Afghan capital has gone viral, An professor was showing and he has holding a baby and feeding the students kid in his lap . According to reports, during the exam last week, a student who was the mother of a 4-month-old baby wanted to silence her crying baby and left her paper.

Seeing all this, the Invigilator Professor, who was present during the examination, went ahead and picked up the child in his lap and started feeding him with the help of a feeder, while the child’s mother asked him to solve his paper easily. But someone else in the exam room took a picture of the professor’s action and shared it on the Internet.

With the help of this picture, the act of the professor is being appreciated by the internet users.

Twitter user Nargis Noorzai wrote that this is the best picture of 2020 coming out of Afghanistan in which this teacher of Pashto department of Kabul University can be seen handling the child while his mother calmly solves her paper. Is doing

Another social media activist Khalid Amiri tweeted about the professor he wrote that Ustad Mahmood Marhoon is a professor of Pashto and his work is commendable. This act of theirs is a supreme example of humanity and compassion.

Professor Mahmood Marhoon said that since the photo went viral, he has been receiving phone calls from all over the world and people are appreciating and appreciating his action.


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