World-renowned fighter Khabib’s scathing response to French President on blasphemous sketches

World-renowned fighter Khabib's scathing response to French President on blasphemous sketches

Unbeaten in his career of mixed martial arts, Khabib Norma Gomidov has strongly condemned the publication of blasphemous sketches in France, the anti-Muslim and anti-Islamic remarks made by French President Emmanuel Macron. In protest, he shared the French president photo on Instagram with a shoe mark.

Expressing his anger over the publication of blasphemous sketches, Khabeeb wrote, “May God change the faces of this evil creature and all its followers who hurt the feelings of more than one and a half billion Muslims under the slogan of freedom of expression.” God will disgrace them in this life and the Hereafter. Allah is quick to reckon, and you will see.

It is further written in the post that we Muslims love our Prophet Muhammad Mustafa more than our mothers, our fathers, children, wives, and all those who are close to our hearts. Believe me, this provocation will come back to haunt them.

It should be noted that hate speech and actions against Islam and Muslims are continually coming to the fore in France. Last month, a wave of outrage among Muslims erupted after the disgraceful Charlie Hebdo newspaper once again published insulting sketches. Meanwhile, at a ceremony, the French president described Islam as a religion in crisis and gave the impression that Muslims were fueling separatist sentiment in France.

President Macron’s statement has sparked a new wave of anti-Muslim hatred in France, leading to the closure of several mosques, following the assassination of a teacher who was promoting insulting cartoons among local school children following the publication of the sketches, and hate attacks on Muslims are on the rise.


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