Karachi among 10 most stressful urban centers to breathe in

Karachi among 10 most stressful urban centers to breathe in
Karachi among 10 most stressful urban centers to breathe in

Analyzing some 15 major stress indicators ranging from governance, environment and finance to safety, unemployment levels, air pollution, density, social security, mental health and access to healthcare etc, Reported The News.
A renowned German well-being company “VAAY” had recently commissioned a study that has gone on to identify the most and least stressful living conditions for the inhabitants of 100 global cities. Karachi is at number 93 or among the 10 most stressful urban centres to breathe in, slightly better than Baghdad (94), Kabul (95) and Moscow (96).
The organization conducting this survey claims it has chosen most and least stressful cities for their size and significance, as well as for their availability of reliable and comparable data. Here follows a list of 10 cities with the lowest stress factor from top to bottom:
Reykjavik, Iceland’s coastal capital city offering sweeping nature views of the sea and green hills, tops the list, followed by Bern (Switzerland), Helsinki, (Finland), Wellington, Melbourne, Oslo, Copenhagen, Innsbruck (Austria), Hannover (Germany) and Graz (Austria).
Remember, in March 2021, Iceland was named the second happiest country in the world, falling behind Finland, which had won four consecutive years in a row.


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