Qatar Introduces Major Changes to Labour Law.

Qatar introduces major changes to Labour law

Qatar introduces major changes to Labour law

The government of Qatar has introduced major changes to its labour laws and has ended the requirement for migrant workers to obtain their employers permission to change jobs. Qatar is the first country in the region to adopt non-discriminatory minimum wage and promoted labours rights .
Qatar abolish the previous “Kafala” sponsorship system, in which the workers has to take the permission from their kafala before changing the job.
According to the new law, announced on Aug 30, migrant workers can now change their jobs before the end of their previous contract.
The legislature also adopted another law that establishes a minimum wage of 1,000 Qatari riyals for the workers.
The new minimum wage law will apply to all workers, of all nationalities in all sectors, including domestic workers and others. The employers must ensure that workers have decent accommodation , food and basic necessities


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