Rasool pur is world first city to attaining 100% Literacy

Rasool pur is world first city to attaining 100% Literacy
Rasool pur is world first city to attaining 100% Literacy

Rasool Pur is a village in Punjab’s Rajanpur district with a population of 2,000 to 3,000 people.
The majority of its inhabitants are ethnic Balochs whose ancestors moved from Pakistan’s Balochistan province to Southern Punjab.
The small village has achieved what most developed countries strive for the “100%” literacy. Literacy is defined by the United Nations as the ability to sign one’s name. Rasoolpur residents, on the other hand, hold themselves to a much higher standard, as all of their children complete high school.

There are two high schools in the village, one for girls and one for boys, as well as a primary school, and no child is absent from school.

Students who have completed high school are sent to Jampur for further education.
One of the three schools’ principals, Metan Jahaan, told international media, “I have 300 girls in my school and almost the same number of students in the boys’ school.” We do not believe in how the United Nations defines literacy – like the ability to sign one’s name – and everyone here is required to complete high school; otherwise, the elders will not allow them to participate in society.”


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