Ali Hassan despite his disability repairs Tyre Punctures

Ali Hassan despite his disability repairs Tyre Punctures
Ali Hassan despite his disability repairs Tyre Punctures

Young man Ali Hassan despite his disability he prefers hard work he starts repairing Tyre Punctures. Ali Hasan suffers from polio but despite his disability, he is been working hard mending punctures at a tyre shop. Ali says his conscience should not allow him to beg and he chose to work hard for a living.

Ali Hassan said that disability is from Allah, man can turn clay into gold and gold into clay. If God has given disease, then we have to cure it. I want to tell disabled people with disabilities not to weaken their weaknesses. Man can do many things.

“People should see that people with disabilities can work so hard,” he said. My message to those who use disability as an excuse is to revive their conscience, stop begging, go to people and ask for work. Let people work too, not beg.


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