US President’s health is improving, the possibility of moving from the hospital to the White House.

US President's health is improving, the possibility of moving from the hospital to the White House.

US President's health is improving, the possibility of moving from the hospital to the White House.

A statement from the president’s doctors said, “Donald Trump’s condition is gradually improving. He may be transferred from the hospital to the White House on Monday.

According to foreign media, doctors treating President Trump said that he had a lack of oxygen in his blood, so he had to take steroids.

The US president and his wife, Melania Trump, are being treated at a military hospital. Both were diagnosed with coronavirus on Friday.

The oxygen level in President Trump’s blood had dropped below 93 percent yesterday. He complained of shortness of breath, after which he was given dexamethasone. However, now their blood oxygen level is 98%.

In a video message, President Trump announced his health, saying he was not feeling well after coming here, but now he is feeling much better. I think the real test will come in the coming days. We’ll see what happens to my health in the next few days.


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