Heath security and Ukraine war
Russia-Ukraine war, a plethora of literature has been written on the non-traditional security threats that emanate from the war.
“Gender-Based Violence in Pakistan: Religion, Culture & the State Response”
“Gender-Based Violence in Pakistan: Religion, Culture & the State Response”
As a matter of fact, Islamabad has been geographically located within the province of Punjab and this federal capital is one of the most beautiful cities in the world having a major portion of its population, being highly educated and literate.
”International Summer Workshop: A pathway to regional connectivity”
one-on-one debated about their mutual history, grievances, failures, policies, etc. all of which contributed to the present dismantled Pak-Afghan relations.
Thirty-Year of Pakistan-Azerbaijan Cordial Ties: An Alliance of Strong Humanitarian Partners
The governments of Azerbaijan and Pakistan have decided to celebrate the thirty years of their bilateral cooperation this year by recalling the history of their multidimensional collaborations in different fields.
Indianization Of Kashmir’s Culture
Jammu and Kashmir outsiders are invading the valley. In the long run, there will be heterogeneous and mixed cultures in Kashmir.
Barriers to Innovation
The righteous answer is that “innovation is living in the circles of quality and sound education system”. The modern education system is the prisoner of physical sciences, information technology, lab, and laboratory.
Post-2019 Politics in AJK – Impacts on Kashmir Cause
In Pakistan, Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf was in the government and Imran Khan was Prime Minister then. There were natural and expected political differences between AJK Government and the Federal government.
Climate change: ‘Urgent actions needed’
Severe weather incidents occur due to climate change in many regions. From the year 2000 to 2019, over 500,000 people have lost their lives and trillions of dollars have been lost in 11,000 incidents.
Russia-Ukraine war: Dominance of Realism vis-à-vis Liberalism!
Theorizing the contemporary Russia-Ukraine war, Realism is more pragmatic vis-à-vis liberalism! The concepts of Realism i.e. national interest, power politics, security dilemma, struggle for...