Financial system of Pakistan is most at risk from Political Turmoil

Financial system of Pakistan is most at risk from Political Turmoil

The primary obstacle to the economy of Pakistan, according to General Authority for Strategy, Innovation, and Special Programs Professor. Ahsan Iqbal has already been in turmoil and expansionism.
Loya Jirga & Peace Deal

Loya Jirga & Peace Deal

                                   The peace deal between the Taliban's and the...
''International Summer Workshop: A pathway to regional connectivity”

”International Summer Workshop: A pathway to regional connectivity”

one-on-one debated about their mutual history, grievances, failures, policies, etc. all of which contributed to the present dismantled Pak-Afghan relations.
Growth Perspective and Pakistan

Growth Perspective and Pakistan

Pakistan is the world’s fifth-most populous country with a population exceeding 212.2 million and has the world’s second-largest Muslim population.
Aqib Khattak

Is it the US way in Riyadh?

Had carrots been sown in the Middle East, the United States of America would never interfere. It is familiar to every presidential candidate for...

Women even children and transgender face abuse.

A nerve wrenching incident of rape of a woman taking place yesterday manifests the human biological wickedness, brutal patriarchy, and immorality in society.  How...
Increasing rape cases in Pakistan and Lame Arguments

Increasing rape cases in Pakistan and Lame Arguments

This article is a guest post by Nouman Khan on the topic "Increasing rape cases in Pakistan and Lame Arguments". The expanding number of assault...
No Relevance, No Reforms

No Relevance, No Reforms

Principal reasons for failure include the current state of affairs of political powers, as well as alliances formed between political leaders and those who benefit from the existing system.
Economic Framework of Islam

Economic Framework of Islam

Economic Framework of Islam.Every culture has valued economics as the branch of human activity concerned with the...
Empowering Women in the Rural Areas of Pakistan

Empowering Women in the Rural Areas of Pakistan

Empowering Women in the Rural Areas of Pakistan