Muslims are Enemies of Education, a fact, or a wrong perception

Muslims are Enemies of Education, a fact, or a wrong perception

Many people today seem to say that Muslims are Enemies of Education with the argument that Islam or Islamic states forbid seeking knowledge, so the question is how can a religion started with the word "IQRA"(read) be an Enemy of Education?
Pakistan plays an important role for Peace

Pakistan plays an important role for Peace

Millions of Afghan refugees lived in Pakistan for more than 40 years, leaving the country in the grip of major problems related to drugs, peace, Human trafficking, and proliferation of illegal weapons.
Growth Perspective and Pakistan

Growth Perspective and Pakistan

Pakistan is the world’s fifth-most populous country with a population exceeding 212.2 million and has the world’s second-largest Muslim population.
Let us Nip it in the Bud

Let us Nip it in the Bud

Let us Nip it in the Bud. A young lot of the country is unaware of red taping in public departments of the...
The Incredible State

The Incredible State

The Incredible State.Not because it’s incredibly good, or incredibly bad, but simply because it has no credibility. States...
Law is the Mistress of Powerful

Law is the Mistress of Powerful

Law is the Mistress of Powerful. A world without laws is like a human without a heart or a brain. Without rules, we...
Creeping democracy of Pakistan

Creeping democracy of Pakistan

The “annual Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy Index” provides a snapshot of the state of democracy worldwide in 167 countries.
Would Pakistan-US relations revive its lost glow??

Would Pakistan-US relations revive its lost glow??

Obama accelerated the drone war in FATA and also accused Pakistan of providing safe haven to the Haqqani Network (HN) in North Waziristan. Trump upped the ante by accusing Pakistan of deceit and lies and he cut off close support funds.
Beyond Hubris by Asad Durrani

Beyond Hubris

Biden’s decision to terminate the US military presence before the twentieth anniversary of 9/11 is sensible – and may even be implemented. But I’m not holding my breath. Taliban have good reasons not to publically acquiesce to the four months extension in the pullout date but may be persuaded to abide by the spirit of the peace treaty.
Wastage of food, a cruel and common activity

Wastage of food, a cruel and common activity

Wastage of food, a cruel and common activity. A fresh report of the United Nations regarding the “food wastage” released...